Zijn we goed of slecht als mens?

Are we good or bad?

Please watch the Ted Talk by Jonathan Zimbardo. 

At least three times and make notes. Skip the photo section if you need to. 

So what is he saying. We were made to believe, at least in Christian countries that we were born in sin. Essentially bad people. 

And although one might not be a Christian, do not underestimate how these types of perceived realities of the image of self, when engrained into society for ages, are present in almost anything, even if non-religious. It is in the way society deals with so called criminal behaviour. It is in the school system and what we teach our children about human morality. It is the level of trust we have in general when doing business with each other. 

My son was quite young when het stole paying cards in a toy store. Not once, he did so multiple times. We gave him money and the shop was around the corner. He would buy a pack and the return home. In addition to the pack that he bought, he put one or more packs in his pocket and took them home. I think he was about eight years old. The store caught him on camera and called the police. The doorbell rang and there was my son, being brought back home by two officers. 

It scared the sh.t out of him. The police were quite nice and we promised it would not happen again. We talked with our son and together went to the shop to ask how much money the required for us to compensate for the theft and say sorry. 

For me it was clear. This boy, with the instinct of wanting to have more, gather, hunt, he used his instincts and thought he could get away with…… 

Of course he had no notion that he might have a store later, when being an adult, and that it would not be nice if people would steal things from his shop. There was no sense of reciprocity. He followed his instinct and took a risk. He got caught and that scared him so much, he definitely learned his lesson. For which I am very thankful. 

This is what Zimbardo is also stating. 

There is no way to define a person, or put some in category good or bad. And then, when being labeled, that’s it. For life. That’s just who you are. 

Multiple experiments have shown this. We are all capable of doing ‘bad’ things, hurt other people, lie and cheat. We are all capable of doing that. And yes, we are also all capable of learning, growing, changing, redeeming and on the other side forgiving people. 

Can people fall, fall deep. Yes af course. Some people become sound to a materialistic lifestyle fro a long period of time. Some even their whole lives. This does not mean, that there are people that do not have the potential to grow above a purely material and egocentric way of living with a lack of empathy for the people around them. 

Society corrupts?

The problem is the society in most places on this earth has not been very helpful to the younger versions or ourselves. 

Osho states it like this: 

‘Every society, up to now, has been a corruptive influence on every child All cultures have depended on exploiting the innocence of the child, on exploiting the child, on making him a slave, on conditioning him for their own purposes, for their own ends – political, social, ideological. …

He becomes more hung up in the head, he forgets all about the heart – and the heart is the bridge that leads to being. 

Osho – Maturity – p1


Voor meer over Hira en ons samenzijn 

Zijn we geëvolueerd?

Have we evolved

Yes we have

When I consider what has changed since I was born, which was in 1974….

If I wanted to know something about something, let’s say when I was sixteen, There was no internet. Computers were still performing only basic functions. I was still writing things for school in a typewriter and if the library had no books on a subject …. That was it. 

Whatever was on the tv, we had to watch when it was broadcasted. No way to view things at a later stage, or record things. Let alone make our own recording and make it available to watch for all the world as is possible now. 

When writing a book, one needs to have a final copy, before printing. Now, one can write online, for all to read and add or change the text whenever one wants too. Let alone adding sound pictures and video to your message. 

If you wanted to write to someone one first needed to have met the person and exchange an address. Now one can find almost anyone online and send this person a message. 

If you don’t speak the language there is the option to use online functionality to translate. 

And in addition to information, all of the money transfers can be done online as well. 

Selling and buying a house does not even require to even meet the person you are selling to or buying from. 

If we go back even further, ….. and look at other aspects of society….

In a classical role of the male and female, women were spending all day to clean, wash clothes by hand, prepare food and buy ingredients. 

With the fridge, the washing machine, dryer, dishwasher, CV (instead of coal or wood burning to heat the house) the basic household has become way more efficient. 

The same goes for the traditional male activities like farming, building a house, …..

With agricultural machines a single person can work the land, harvest by means of huge machines that required a large number of people in earlier days. 

Ordering concrete, shooting nails, electric wood saw machines ……. 

Looking back many thing humans have been doing, and are still doing take far less time and effort because of the introduction, invention of new technology

We can grow most food all year and are less dependent on seasons. We import foods from other places and have much more diverse and this potentially healthier diet. 

And although so many things have changed, in some areas we seem to not allow ourselves to evolve in some areas. Although ending a boxing match with a kill is generally considered unacceptable, and in many countries children are being taught that they live in a free country, with equal rights for men and women, there is a general hesitance of leaving behind the concept of a controlled class society. 

Like Krishnamurti said. It is an insane world. The insanity is mostly due to the fact that on the one had there is a lot of talk about what we can and can not do, in order to live or reach a state of civilised interaction and coexistence. Still When push comes to shove….. there is a persistence of a need for war to ‘get there’ and a need for more rules, regulations, taxes and other control mechanisms…… that only seem to have an adverse effect and do not resonate with the wording. A more civilised, more educated society would by means of pure logic require less rules, less regulation, less secrecy, etc 

Evolution in other areas of our lives

Zijn we geëvolueerd?

Ja dat zijn we zeker. 


Kijk bijvoorbeeld naar het huishouden. We zijn veel minder tijd kwijt hele dingen waar men vroeger een hele dag mee bezig was. Taken in het huishouden als wassen, het huis warmhouder, inkopen doen, koken zijn veel minder werk. Het stoken op kolen 

Je zou eens een paar dagen moeten leven als in de tijd voor de elektriciteit. Kijk dan eens, hoeveel tijd en energie een mens kwijt was aan de meest basale activiteiten die nu met techniek en vooral elektriciteit in een handomdraai zijn gepiept. 

Ik vermoed dag het nog een uitdaging wordt voor de jeugd, om zich daar een voorstelling van te maken. En zo onze, en dus hun geschiedenis te begrijpen. Dat als je een afspraak maakt met iemand, dat je er dan op dat moment moest zijn, anders liep je elkaar mis, en je had niet de mogelijkheid met elkaar contact op te nemen. Ik raakte wel eens vrienden kwijt tijdens koninginnedag in Amsterdam. Een drukke stad vol met mensen. Tenzij we een plek hadden afgesproken waren we elkaar voor de rest van de dag kwijt. We konden elkaar pas weer bellen als we thuis waren. Met een telefoon aan een draadje, die je niet kon verplaatsen. 

Boeren en voeding

Als ik kijk naar hoe veel voedsel een boer nu in zijn eentje, of met beperkte hoeveelheid personeel kan oogsten elk jaar met hulp van de technische middelen die hij tot zijn beschikking heeft. Het aantal boerderijen, het aantal medewerkers per boerderij is in de afgelopen jaren afgenomen. Tevens is de opbrengst enorm gestegen. Met behulp van kassen, lampen en andere technische middelen worden het hele jaar door enorme hoeveelheden groente gekweekt op een zeer klein stukje grond. 

Tegenwoordig wordt de warmte van grote computer serverparken bepruikt om de kassen warm te houden. Niet alles is positief aan het verhaal, want een aantal aspecten van de zogenaamde vooruitgang hebben de voedingswaarde van veel producten doen dalen en zeker als we kijken in de vleesindustrie is het dierenwelzijn er zeker niet op vooruit gegaan. De flats met bijvoorbeeld kippen, die het daglicht nooit zien krijg ik de rillingen van over mn rug. Niet de vooruitgang waar ik trots op ben. 

Kortom, met de middelen die de mens tot haar beschikking heeft is het niet nodig dat er ergens op aarde honger wordt geleden. 

Het delen van kennis en informatie


It was a question the first arose when reading Marcus Aurelius. What an amazing mind/spirit. Why do people living in this time seem so far away, from ‘truths of life’ …’discovered, described such a long time ago?


I was struggling with that question. Why did people not seem te evolve. The were there people so much more intelligent, enlightened almost such a long time ago. Why are we not able to evolve, as a species? 

It bothered me, while at the same time, we did progress in many ways. I was born with a cesarean. It is long after Marcus Aurelius that the first woman survives a cesarean. 

‘1794: Elizabeth Bennett delivers a daughter by cesarean section, becoming the first woman in the United States to give birth this way and survive. Her husband, Jesse, is the physician who performs the operation.’

1794 ( funny I was born in 1974)

In addition it is quite clear we have evolved. Killing the loser of a boxing match because the viewers have text messaged a thumbs down, is an unacceptable fantasy. The life of a human being has become more valuable. And although there is still is such a thing as slavery, it is all but something that people find agreeable. 

So on moral something did change. 

Nature and domination

A lot of other things have changed as well. The air where we live is much cleaner than 250 years ago, when our house was build. The place was called black nazareth. In most cities people were burning coal, and the air must have been thick with smoke in the winter months and in summer, when people were cooking. 

The canal in front served as an open sewer. Now for the past few years our children have been swimming in the canal and they only get a skin rash of the chloride in the swimming pools, nothing from swimming in the canal. 

Beer used to be a cleaner something to drink than water. 


An aspect of society that did not change is that we are organised in a pyramid type structure. And in most countries there have been so called class societies. Mostly dividing people in two classes, and in some countries a more divided system of more classes. 

An although for many years, especially in the west there is supposed to be no discrimination. People are supposedly free people, and in many countries people have are free to travel the world, in times like these one should, could seriously question such assumptions and statements. There seems to be either een ‘verwrongen’ perception of the word free, or it has been a lot of marketing on the surface, but underneath the old class society system has still been the modus operandi. 

In addition, there is supposed to be a lot of democracy in many countries on a local level, and at the same time it is becoming more and more clear that the word seems be steered by a small group of people that have plans made which are being rolled out on a global level. Whether it is the ‘dwangmatige’ approach to a health crisis, or the plans for a new economy of how to deal with a supposed environmental problem. 

Not just in the political arena, but also in business and areas like entertainment global organisational structures that are pyramid, or triangle shaped have emerged. 

And although this naive author was expecting a downsizing, of organisations when there was a general consensus  that some organisations were ‘too big to fail’ (not my words) these organisations were not cut into pieces that were small enough to fail, which in my view would be a very sensible thing to do, the ‘market’ seemed to have an opposite perspective and these organisations got bigger instead of smaller. 

The only problem with bigger, that when being one big pyramid, when it does fail, it can only go one way. Just like any and most empire did. Like the saying says, all things must come to an end. And the end of something that can not grow ant bigger, is to become smaller. 

Do not confuse wit these words with what I wish to happen. This is pure logic. 

And yes, in many ways I do think in all areas of life there are economies of scale. At the same time maybe there should also be a saying for something that is oversized. In a way nay of these structures could be perceived as monopolies, but for a strong reason are not. 

In addition to this issue of the structure and size there is the issue of class society. It presupposes a non equality of humans. Whether through birth and thus bloodline thinking or other ways that society allow for people to become extremely unequal in for instance what people own, whether people are allowed to travel, etc. In many ways when looking at the universal human rights, I do not think there is a country that currently does well on honouring those in relation to all its citizens. 

And although I personally thought that I was living in one that was very close, with a ceremonial monarch, the past years have made me come to the conclusion I was successfully fooled in many ways. 

When I heard the words of Alan Watts saying: ‘The universe is not a monarchy’, I immediately understood what he was saying. 

So I have come to the conclusion, that earth still has to experience the first day of real civilisation. History books (or maybe Herstory books) will remember the people (most probably those currently leading the class society but initiating a change, allowing for humanity to really become of equal worthiness) that will allow for this change to happen. 

So yes, we have evolved and still we have some way to go. It will be a very small step, with huge consequences.


Voor het hele verhaal, ga naar Hira_dut


Ok, Hira, let’s go! Could please carry this crate?
Hira: ‘What is it? Where are we going?’
‘It’s to transport the chickens.’
Hira: ‘Huh?’

Ben je het vergeten? Je gaat vrijdag kippensoep maken. eerst gaan we ze kopen, levend. Je mag ze een paar dagen verzorgen. We gaan er drie halen. Voor 1 kip 104 kilometer rijden met de auto is wat overdreven vind je niet. Dat wordt dan wel een dure kippensoep met de benzineprijzen van vandaag de dag. De routeplanner zegt 1 uur en 7 minuten. We gaan naar het meest bekende plaatsje in Nederland wat betreft het fokken van kippen. Daar staat een boerderij en die laat de kippen lang los lopen, en die hebben er zelfs een stukje bos etc. Hele aardige mensen. Dat krat is nog van de vorige keer. Daar kunnen we ze in vervoeren.’

Hira: ‘Eerlijk gezegd hoopte ik nog steeds dat het een grap was’.

Ik zal je uit de droom helpen, dat is het zeker niet. We gaan drie of vijf kippen kopen, moet nog even kijken. Meer kunnen hier niet in, dat zou beestachtig zijn. Je hoeft er maar 1 zelf te slacten, de rest doe ik. Je mag er meer doen.
Maar eerst ga je er drie dagen voor zorgen, en je gaat ze observeren. Je hoeft ze geen naam te geven. Dat creeert een band, en dat maakt het alleenmaar onnodig zwaar. Tenzij je er geen moeite mee hebt, maar die mensen ben ik nog niet tegengekomen.

We reden naar Barneveld. Tijdens de reis was Hira erg stil. Hij keek wat om zich heen. Ik was men boxje vergeten, dus zonder auto radio, was het erg stil in de auto. Toch was de stilte niet ongemakkelijke met hem. Bij aankomst steld ik m voor. Hij zocht drie kippen uit. Dat vond ik wel genoeg, die de boer in het krat stopte. Ik was zelf al zeker een jaar niet meer geweest. We rekenden af en gingen weer terug naar huis.

Daar aangekomen zetten we de kippen in een tijdelijk gemaakt hok van wat gaas. Het was nog regelijk goed weer en het zou niet gaan regenen.

Onderweg terug vertelde ik Hira wat de bedoeling was. Ik ging hem een youtube filmpje sturen, waar een Amerikaanse boer liet zien hoe hij de kip slachtte. Ik had zelf geleerd eerst het dier een klap achter in de nek te geven, waardoor het buite nbewustzijn raakte, de kop dan op het blok te leggen en deze dan met een bijl af te hakken. I de youtube film heeft de boer een soort van trechter van staal, daar steekt hij op haar kop het hoofd van de kip doorheen en snijdt dan de slagader door van het dier, dat dan heel snel sterft en leeg loopt.
Heb Hira toe gezegd zelf te kiezen hoe hij het wilde gaan doen. Als hij met de trechter wilde dan moesten we die nog maken. Ik verstelde hem wel, dat het belangrijk was om tijdens het sterven het dier bij de poten vast te houden. En te voelen wat er gebeurt als het sterft.

Daarna nog een link gestuurd naar een filmpje, waarin een kip wordt geplukt en schoongemaakt. Het is vooral belangrijk bij het opensnijden en het los snijden van de darmen rond de anus, dat er geen ontlasting in het vlees komt, maar de darmen met de inhoud in 1 keer goed worden verwijderd. Ander besmet je het vlees met poep.
Nog gevraag, of hij wist of men in Japan de poten ook meekookt in de bouillon. Ik heb me laten vertellen dat men dat in China wel doet en dat goed is voor de gezondheid.
Zo ver ik weet, doen Joden, die ook bekend staan om het maken van helende, potente, gezonde, kippensoep dat niet.

Hij had geen idee, en dat vermoedde ik al.

Dus elke dag gin Hira de kippen eten geven en ik zei m, met zn dagboek er lekker een poosje naast te gaan zitten en ondertussen in de dagboek te schrijven.
Af en toe een te kijken en de dieren te observeren.

Na het schoonmaken gaan we ze roosteren, of eigenlijk 2, de derde vries ik in. En als we de geroosterde opgegeten hebben, gaan we van het karkas een kippensoep maken.

Belangrijk: voordat je van vooral de botten een bouillon gaat trekken deze eerst breken. De belangrijkste voedingstoffen zitten in het merg van de botten. Die gaan we lekker uitkoken. Ongeveer zo een 3 uur lang, dan in het laatste uur gaan er groenten bij en kruiden/specerijen.

Ik had m gevraagd of hij al eens eerder vlees wat hij zelf had gegeten, zelf had gedood en schoongemaakt. Hij had wel vidden gevangen die hij samen met zn moeder had schoongemaakt en klaargemaakt, maar anders dan dat nog niet.

Dat is grappig genoeg iets, dat ik zelf nog nooit heb gedaan.

Zou best wel eens een tong willen vangen en opeten, of een paling of zo. Paling roken, net als de buikspek. Lekkerste stuk varkensvlees dat ik ooit heb gegeten. In een oud olievat zelf gerookt, denk wel drie uur lang. Heerlijk.

Ok, de dag was aangebroken. Het was donderdag ochtend. Vanavond eten we geroosterde kip en morgen maken we er soep van.

Hira leek vrij rustig. He had besloten het op mijn manier te doen. Eerst de klap achter in de nek en dat op het hakblok.

Hou m goed vast. Nu niet te hard slaan, want dat is het gelijk dood, en niet te zacht, want dan moet je meer dan 1 keer slaan, en dat ik ook echt niet fijn. Niet voor het dier en niet voor jou.

Het ging allemaal vrij soepel. Na de klap met de bijl begon het kippenlijf hevig te schudden…..

‘Rustig, vasthouden en voelen. Voel hoe het leven uit het dier verdwijnt. Het was een leven dier en zometeen is het een stuk vlees. Je zal het verschil merken. Tevens ga je nooit meer zo makkelijk een stuk vlees in de winkel kopen. Niet alsof het een brood of een stuk fruit is. Het is een levend wezen geweest, het is leven en dood in de keuken’

Geen idee of hij me hoorde. Hij ging er helemaal in op.
Deed alles heel rustig en het was duidelijk dat 1 genoeg was. Ik deed zelf de andere twee dames.
Nu kwam de meest vervelende klus. Ik had al een grote pan met water opgezet, en het water kookte, dus ze konden er gelijk even in gedompeld worden, om vervolgens de veren te plukken.

Die avod hebben we zitten smullen. Ik heb niet meer gevraagd, hoe hij heeft ervaren. We hebben nog lang bij het vuur gezeten. Ik had hem gezegd wel nog voor het slapen gaan, zijn ervaringen in zijn dagboek op te schrijven. We zouden er morgen of later nog wel op terugkomen. Ik merkte wel dat een indruk had achter gelaten.
Tja, ik heb het ook nog nooit met iemand gedaan, die er heel nonchalant onder was. Maar wie weet, komt dat nog een keer.

Wat zou de wereld er toch anders uit zien, als ze dit al die middelbare scholieren, al die stoere war-games verslaafde pubers van een jaar of 17 lieten doen. Het zou een hoop veranderen…. maarja… ze verklaren me voor gek….

Nou ja. 1 tegelijk dan maar. Zo te merken, heeft ie zitten smikkelen en heeft de dag een blijvend indruk op m gemaakt. Vermoed dat hij er nooit spijt van zal krijgen.
Nu zelf ook gaan liggen. Morgen lekker soepje maken en verder met de shiatsu.

‘Slaap lekker Hira’
Hira: ‘Slaap lekker Jinsei’

Fear of death…

How to lose fear of death

If you do not have fear yet. It will come. Don’t worry. 

Young people can have a tendency to feel unbreakable. That’s why they can be quite careless, or taking a lot of risk when driving a car or motorcycle for instance. 

I know, because I did. Had a bad accident when I was only nineteen. Really scared me.

Still it did not develop a real fear in me. I was able to stay away from the subject, except for the funerals I had attended of my grandparents. Especially that of one of my grandmothers was quite special, because I had the opportunity to sit with her, when she was lying still on her bed, after she had died in her sleep, and say goodbye. 

So when young, don’t be careless, and do not worry. Still when getting older, the topic becomes unavoidable. Especially when your own parents die. 

And for people that still live with a lot of fear of death, losing ones fear does not mean, that it’s ok to die. Losing ones fear in my experience goes hand in hadn’t with looking at death in the eye and by doing so, life becomes much more precious. There is more appreciation of life, my own as well that of the living things around me. And no, it does not mean, I think we should not kill animals for food. Death, hunting, is still part of nature. 

That is something completely different, killing for food, then people killing other people, because of some disagreement, because of fighting over …… whatever reason. Still animals fight in nature, not with the objective to kill (unless it is for food). And when there is killing in nature, it’s in nature, that is different than killing animals that have been caged for a ver short lifespan. 

Human being can achieve greatness, and at the same time have shown to make normal the most of gruesome acts that animals, which are sometimes referred to as beast are not capable of.  (Although I have seen serial rape of ducks, eventually killing the female with 12 chicks that were left to die…. We saved them…;-))

Other experiences with death I had in my life were losing a friend that hung himself. 

I witnessed Sensei die in hospital at the age of 67 from a cerebral infarction

And I did some ‘exercises I will talk about later in relation to death. 

Books – Ervin Yalom – looking into the light

Neitzsche got me really scared when I was younger

Paulo Coelho wrote about a wonderful exercise

In my work I used the eulogy

In Korea to counter the rising number of suicides there is a technique to play ones funeral while being alive. Liver through the process, ending in a coffin and landing there for about 20-30 minutes, then te be opened again and at which point you are being asked the question what you have experienced and why living is worth living?

We have done the same exercise with a group of men during a weekend retreat. 

Probably the best way, to connect with life and death is by killing a chicken. Taking care of it for a few days. Looking at it, observing. Then very consciously killing the chicken, after which it is cleaned and prepared. And after which the bones are used to make a healing broth. 

Satish Kumar points to the lack of authentic leadership. 

JFK on the overkill of secrecy.

Carl Jung calls it nullification. 

J Zimbardo refers to the barrel makers that create a context in which people are bound to live and meaningless live, that is filled with hatred and unnecessary violence. 

Looking back to the supranational organisations like the UN, EU, Security council and many NGO’s one might wonder how it is possible none seem to have reached even a fraction of what the were aiming for and have stated so in their maiden speeches. In many ways, the opposite seems to have been the case. 

Just like the self labelled philanthropists are growing richer in a time of crisis, during which a childish mind would expect them to use all their assets to help those in need, for the good cause. 

Instead the general population is being driven into more debt and those that pose themselves as saviours grow richer by the day and even seem to have a contest going on who ends up on top. And others are cheering because corporations including banks and companies that make products to protect our health are benefiting and are proud of making billions of profit. 

At the same time it has become generally accepted to change a child’s sex and that most children because of obesity and diseases like diabetes are likely to die younger than their parents.  

Because the above is not in sync with the mainstream media narrative, it is labelled mis-information and thus dangerous. Which makes the author a conspiracy theorist. The media will also consistently repeat that conspiracy theorists think certain things about elites. No one seems to wonder how the media knows what certain people think. Or wonder why they do not seem to know who they are, why they are not invited for an open dialogue….. or why none of them is arrested, since they are currently considered the most dangerous terrorists walking the earth. etc etc. 


Voor meer over Hira en ons samenzijn 

CK1 – Hira nl

CK1 Het fysieke lichaam

Je hebt 1 lichaam. 

Het is ook een geheel. Het is niet zo dat je soms een deel thuis laat toch? Waar je gaat, je neemt er alles van mee. 

Het lichaam bestaat vervolgens, afhankelijk van hoe men kijkt, uit een ontelbaar aantal onderdelen, aspecten. 

Het bestaat voornamelijk uit water

En dat is samen met lucht, adem, vuur en aarde…..

Emoto…. Water reageert, laat zich vormen. Emoties, gedachten hebben invloed op water. En dus op ons lichaam. 

De gemiddelde mens, krijgt in het reguliere niet veel informatie en kennis over het lichaam. 

Specialisten, kunnen een leven lang bezig zijn met een onderdeel van het lichaam en zullen moeten toegeven, dat desondanks, het niet ‘allemaal’ helder en duidelijk is. Ook al wordt er gekeken naar alleen een orgaan, werking van hersenen, het hart en zeker de darmen. Zelfs in deze tijd van computers en geavanceerde techniek lijken we niet tot een concluderend, volledig sluitend beeld te komen van ons lijf. 

En dat, terwijl het niet zo lang geleden is, dat men er in Japan achter kwam dat men in het westen de lichamen van dode mensen open sneed, om ze te onderzoeken, en te beschrijven / tekenen, om de werking ervan te willen en kunnen begrijpen. 

Wie zou voor het eerst de conclusie hebben getrokken, dat bij het slachten van een kip of een koe het heel duidelijk is, dat verreweg de meeste ‘onderdelen’ voor het grootste deel overeenkomen. De vleugels zijn dan wel geen handen, en men doet er iets anders mee. Desondanks, de maag, het hart, de longen, de botten, nagels, de huid (met en zonder begroeiing). De overeenkomsten zijn groter in aantal dan de verschillen. De meeste verschillen zijn eerder een subtiliteit dan wezenlijk anders en bij de 1 aanwezig en de ander afwezig. 

Opvallend is ook dat de gemiddelde mens meer lijkt te weten, en willen weten, van onderwerpen, ver buiten zichzelf, en relatief beperkte kennis heeft over zijn of haar eigen lichaam. Zelf vind ik het lichaam een boeiend iets. Niet alleen die van mij zelf. 

1 van de dingen waar ik graag naar kijk, hoe vaak ik het ook heb gezien, is de inleiding van de BBC documentaire: ‘The human body’. 

De opsomming van een gemiddeld leven….. Ik blijf het fascineren vinden. 

Lichaam vooral autonoom, onbewust. 

Veel van wat er in je lichaam gebeurt heb je geen bewustzijn op. Het ademen, aanmaken van hormonen, aansturen van organen, verteren van voeding…. het kost energie, maar we hoeven er als het ware niet ‘bij stil te staan’. In die zin gaat het als vanzelf. 

Net als bij het groeien en de instincten. `Een deel van onze ontwikkeling, zoals bijvoorbeeld het leren lopen doen we gewoon door na te doen. Door te willen doen ook vooral. Grappig genoeg zijn dingen als vallen en zwemmen al gelijk niet meer zo vanzelfsprekend om te leren. Stoeien overigens wel. Daarvan heb ik wel gemerkt dat daar een natuurlijke drang voor ontstaat.

Het groeit en ontwikkeld dus, en daar zit een bewust aspect aan. Op vele manier kan men het lichaam dingen leren. Leren eten, bewegen, ontspannen, …… en zelfs de energie leren voelen. 

Mensen kunnen en doen veel met hun lichaam. In deze tijd, zijn veel mensen niet in verbinding met hun eigen lichaam. Het overgewicht is daar duidelijk een uiting van. Maar ook mensen die een hele dag zitten, werken zonder beweging en dan sporten om dan in huis weer het liefst alles als vanzelf te willen laten gebeuren. 

Er lijkt soms wel een smet op alles dat als gewoon beschouwd wordt. Maar daar later meer over als we het over de omgeving, de community, gaan hebben. Help me onthouden iets te zeggen over het onderwerp ‘welvaartsziekte’, het is niet een heel vrolijk onderwerp, maar ik heb mijn scriptie voor de Shiatsu opleiding erover geschreven, en een aantal aspecten vind ik relevant om te noemen. 

Het leren over je lichaam kan veel slimmer dan men nu doet, als je het mij vraagt, maar dat ga jij niet vragen. Tenminste, ik vermoed dat je niet dagelijks bezig bent met de mogelijke tekortkomingen van het huidige schoolsysteem.’ 

Hira kijkt me vragend aan 

‘Ik heb nog een andere leermeester in de Shiatsu gehad, Yoshi Sensei. Het was tijdens een shiatsu les dat hij de groep studenten erop wees dat de wijsheden in spreekwoorden en gezegden overeenkomen, op vele manieren, met Oosterse denkwijzen op het vlak van de geneeskunde. 

Ik weet nog dat ik toen na de les dacht: ‘hoe kan het nou zijn dat ik ver in de 30 ben en iemand uit Japan mij uitlegt dat een spreekwoord als ‘het hart op de tong hebben’, zo wezenlijk betekenisvol is.  Het leefde tot dan toe niet bij mij. 

Hira kijkt me glazig aan.

‘Ik zal je een voorbeeld geven. In Nederland zeggen we: ‘je gal spugen’. Voor zover ik heb kunnen waarnemen komt dat 100 procent overeen met een zeer gevoelige galblaasmeridiaan aan de zijkant van je been, bij mensen die met opgekropte woede rondlopen. Een massage kan dan wel ontspanning bieden, maar tegelijkertijd is het uiten van mogelijke boosheid of woede iets dat de oorsprong wegneemt en niet zozeer het symptoom bestrijd. Zo heeft het voor mij dus waarde. 

Hebben jullie in Japan gezegden met organen er in? Of lichaamsdelen?’

Hira: ‘dat weet ik eigenlijk niet, nooit zo bij stilgestaan.’ 

‘Oh en als je veel wilt leren met je lichaam, val dan niet in de valkuil dat je er gelijk goed in wil zijn.  Denk in termen van 80/20. Yoga bijvoorbeeld, super waardevol, of een massage techniek. Leer de basics van een aantal dingen. Zonder gelijk yogi of masseur te willen zijn. 

Typisch advies van een beroepsgeneralist. 

Dus Hira, leer je lichaam kennen. Je hoeft niet stapels boeken te lezen Ofer de anatomie en de fysiologie. Laat staan de pathologie. 

Leer kennen, wat voeding met je doet. Door verschillende voeding tot je te nemen en te voelen. Zeker ook door voeding te onthouden, te vasten, en met bepaalde dingen te tijd te stoppen die mogelijk standaard in je dieet zitten. 

Dit geld net zo goed voor bewegen. Vindt iets dat bij je past, dat je geregeld kan doen, en wees af en toe nieuwsgierig naar iets nieuws. Zoek de ruimte op en iets dat past bij je bouw en leeftijd. En je hoeft me niet te geloven als ik zeg, dat ik op het oog kwetsbare mensen de meest krachtige dingen heb zien doen met hun bijna naakte lichaam in de sneeuw op een berg bij gevoelstemperatuur -15. En vervolgens wat dat met iemands lichaam deed. Sommigen zullen zeggen anekdotisch. Ik ga liever uit van eigen waarneming, al is het van 1 persoon, dan hele onderzoeken op papier, waar ik nog nooit iets concreets van heb mogen vernemen. 


5 See the human!


Jesus said:
See who is before you
and who was previously hidden from you,
will emerge.
Because nothing is hidden
that won’t show itself
and everything that has disappeared will return.

There is a remarkable passage in the Gospel of Matthew. Two blind men come to Jesus. They ask him if he wants to make them see. Jesus does that, seeing the men again, healed from their blindness. But then Jesus says something strange: “Make sure nobody knows.”

That is very strange.

Suppose these men were physically blind. And suddenly they could see again. Could you hide that? That is not likely.

It is therefore questionable whether this is a physical miracle. In the secret words of gnostics, blindness and the healing of blindness means something completely different.

In the previous logion you were asked to look for the child in yourself. That is the start of the spiritual search that the Thomas Gospel recommends. If you succeed, if you can connect with your inner child, then you can look at the world and your fellow people in a different way.

How is that?

Here you are asked, like a child, to look through all the social labels that we usually put on our fellow human beings, and instead see the human being, the child in the other. See the human! As a human being with people, as a child with children, the kingdom will really be “among you” (Luke 17:21).

The core of that is seeing. If you look judiciously at your fellow man, with judgment as a beam in your eye, you only see your own judgment. But when you have returned to the uncircumcised child within you, you can look without judgment, and only then can you love your fellow man as yourself.

Only then do you see your fellow man.

Then what was previously hidden will return: the original person in the other. See, the kingdom is in the face of the other.

A telling example from life practice is the next true event.

It is the meeting of the Jewish mother and the Palestinian mother who each lost a 12-year-old daughter on the same day. As Jewess and Palestinian, these two women were each other’s enemies first. In each other they only saw the image of the other as an enemy. That judgment was the blinding beam in their eyes. But because of this sad event they recognized something of themselves in the other: the sorrow for the loss of a child. They visited each other and fell into each other’s arms. As human beings with other people, they could comfort one another, even love one another. What had disappeared under the image of the enemy had returned: the human being within himself and the other. They could love their enemy by seeing behind the mask of the enemy the original human, the original face of fellow human beings.

In the Gospels from the New Testament there are various stories about Jesus raising children from the dead. This is not about real children, but about the child in ourselves. The child who appears to be dead appears only to be asleep, it is said. And that is also the way in which Jesus makes people see again. First awaken the child in you again, return to the beginning in you, as told in the previous logion. Then learn to look like a child at everything around you, heal from your blindness. Then everything that was previously hidden will show itself to you again.

Yet the question remains: how do you find that child in yourself? How can I learn to look lovingly at other people?

That starts with being true to yourself, says the following logion.


19 The creative power in humans


Jesus said:
Blessed was he who was before he was there.
If you become my students and
listen to my words,
the stones will serve you.
Because there are five trees for you in paradise
that remain unchanged, summer and winter,
and whose leaves do not fall off.
Whoever gets to know them will not taste like death.

In the Old Testament, God is called “the eternal.” And only God is ‘the eternal’ there. Isaiah even lets him say:

No one is equal to me.

In Gnostics, “the eternal” is also in a human. That is meant by “it was before it arrived.”

In the traditional Jewish and Christian representation there is an unbridgeable distance between man and God. Man and God are essentially unequal. God is ‘completely different’.

In Gnostics we are directly connected to the source as humans. We come out of it. Just as a ray of light is related to the sun, so too is man related to the Source. We have “the features of the Father.” We are “the heirs of the Father.” These are expressions in Gnostic texts to indicate that we as human beings are related to the Source like a child with its biological parents.
We are one with the Eternal. You can experience that unity in mystical moments. Then it seems as if you exist outside of time. In gnostics, that state of consciousness is called the Christ consciousness, or the Christ nature.
As stated in the explanation of the prologue, according to the gnostic tradition, man has two natures. Man carries within him the nature of Christ that participates in timeless eternity. The Christ nature is the presence of the Source in every person.
The Christ consciousness is timeless. It was there before you were there, that’s how you experience it.
Jesus tells us here that there is a way to reunite the time-bound personal consciousness with the timeless Christ nature if that connection is broken. Then you are a whole person.

“Then these stones will serve you,” says this logion.

The Source is the creative force of reality. Man himself is also creative, because man inherits the creative power of Source. Pharaoh Echnaton said so:
God is the creative force in the heart of man.
And that is why we ourselves can infuse the material creation around us, as a continuation of the eternal creation process. By sanctifying ‘the stones’, the matter, from your connection with the Christ nature within you, even the stones will serve you to create the kingdom on earth. Just as clay is available to the potter, material reality, including your own body, will be of service to you in your personal meaning to your life and thereby to all of creation. If you live and act from your connection with the Christ nature within you, you yourself become an active participant in the never-ending process of creation of the entire reality.

In ancient Egypt, too, there was a belief that visible reality is an emanation from Source. In all visible forms, the Source, God, expresses an aspect of one’s own being. In this way De Bron in de roos expresses the aspect of one’s own beauty. The rose is a face of God. God reveals himself in the beauty of the rose. Anyone who is moved by the beauty of the rose experiences an intimate encounter with the Source of being, with God. The Aramean Our Father says it this way:

Source of Being that I meet in what moves me.

Not only the rose, also a crocodile, a cat, a hippopotamus, and all other animals are a face of God, was found in ancient Egypt. That is why a crocodile is holy, all animals are holy. That is why every fellow person is holy, you are holy yourself. Because every person is a face of God in her or his own way. Precisely in everyone’s unique capacity as individual human beings, each of us is a spark, a ray of light, of the divine, an emanation of the Source.

Charity in this view is not only a moral commandment, it is also the experience of the essential unity that we form together in all diversity.

Five trees

Five was the symbol of fullness at that time. In classical antiquity one speaks of the quintessence, the fifth essence. Earth, water, air, and fire were then considered to be the four elements that made up material creation. The quintessence is the all-pervading essence of these four primal elements. Earth, water, air and fire are expressions, forms, of the one quintessence.

The experience and the insight that all diversity is supported by a comprehensive unity, has many names. Here, that bearing unity is expressed in the image of the everlasting five trees in paradise. Because these trees do not change and the leaves do not fall off. They therefore symbolize the eternal that is also in man.


27 “The world” as a frozen meaning


Jesus said:
If you are not stuck towards the world,
you will not find the kingdom.
If you do not observe the Sabbath as a Sabbath,
you will never see the father.

As a child we are included in the world of appointments of our parents, teachers, priests and rulers. We get to know the agreements that our educators have made with each other around the world. “That is how the world works,” we think as good children. And with that in mind, we step into the world of agreements around us. In this way we become part of the world of our educators with dedication.

Is it wrong that we insert ourselves into the world of our educators? In some spiritual traditions it is claimed that we must renounce all these agreements about reality, that is to say, to completely distance ourselves from it, because they, as agreements, do not actually exist, they are only an illusion, in the negative sense of that word.

But in gnostics it is different. It is not about leaving the world of agreements and leaving us behind. The goal of gnostics as a spiritual path is to make people free participants in “the world” and with that freedom to co-create the agreements we make with each other about the world. As free people, we can make love a part of life.

To be able to achieve that freedom, we must, however, dare to let go of our belief in the absolute truth of the agreements that have been learned. So we do not let go of the agreements, but the belief in the absolute truth thereof. That is “fasting” compared to “the world.”

By fasting with regard to the world, and thus protecting our inner freedom, we enter an infinite space of meaning. Then we can freely give our meaning to life on earth. It is precisely the fact that we can hold meaningful meaning on earth, nature, our fellow man, ourselves, that is the creative divine power in our heart that Gnostics refers to. Releasing that creative power offers the opportunity to establish the kingdom on earth, if at least our significance is associated with the compassion of our hearts.

But what is unfortunately often the case? If we believe that the learned description of reality is the same as reality itself, if the former meaning is frozen to absolute truth, then we are trapped in our own faith, and therefore we are not connected to the heart. Then we heartily test everything against the agreements. Then the judgments about our fellow human beings are ice cold and unloving.

But when we free ourselves from our belief in the absolute truth of the descriptions in which we grew up, space is created to become co-creators of life on earth, from the connection with love within ourselves. Then our heart will thaw and become sensitive to the relationship between all people at the soul level.

Only then can we make the two one, “the world” and the heart. Then we can even experience that “the Father” – whatever you mean by that at the level of description – is present as a source in our own heart and can also be known there. Then we can become co-creators of the kingdom on earth, where peace and justice are figures of the inexhaustible love that dwells in us.


50 A movement and a rest


Jesus said:
If they ask you: Where are you from?
say then: We have come from the light,
from where the light originated from itself.
It has risen and revealed itself in their image.
If they say: Who are you?
then say: We are his children
and the elect of the living father.
If they ask:
What is the sign of the father who is in you?
then say: It is a movement and a rest.

In the Old Testament tradition, God created the entire cosmos at a single time, namely “in the beginning”. That cosmos has existed entirely by itself since then.

But in classical antiquity, especially in Egypt, there is also another myth of creation. In that other creation story, the world is created new at every moment. Just as the light shines from the sun every day, so in a never-ending process of creation, reality flows from the Source of being. People call that permanent process of becoming reality: an emanation.

Many texts from the Thomas gospel, and especially this logion, can only be well understood against the background of this Egyptian creation story.

In the Old Testament creation story, God first models man out of clay and then blows his breath into that image of clay. This image fits into the Greek dualism of body and soul that has had so much influence on ecclesiastical Christianity. The body is the molded matter, the breath of God is spirit.

A Greek myth also tells how the god Prometheus from clay formed a human in the image of the gods. The goddess Pallas-Athene, the heavenly friend of Prometheus, who watched his work with admiration, blew her breath into the lump of earth and she also gave the human being the ghost.

Both in the Old Testament creation story and in the myth of Prometheus, body and mind belong to two different and completely separate areas of being: matter and spirit.

In the Egyptian creation story, everything comes from that one Source. Everything is a form of Source, including the human body. Body and soul are together, in their unity, a face of the Source.

That is why you could see divinity in everything. A crocodile also comes from the Source, with all the trimmings, so a crocodile is sacred. And a cat, a cow, a tree or whatever. Because in each of these manifestations, the Source expresses an aspect of itself. Man too is a manifestation of Source and therefore sacred in its entirety, including the body.

All nature, the entire cosmos is sacred. Everything in it, every creature with its unique individuality is a face of the Source. Mind you, because that is essential for Gnostics, so it says here that it is the unique individuality of every creature with which it is a face or part of the Source. That partnership is lost when that unique individuality is denied or replaced by an image that does not coincide with that unique individuality. By replacing the unique individuality with an image, a creature becomes profane, alienated, separated from the Source.

Creation as a whole can also be profaned. That desecration can also be restored. The cosmos can be healed again. The gnostic also sees the role of Jesus as the healer of the cosmos with everything in it. Jesus cleanses the All and brings it back to the Father and Mother, as expressed in the Hymn to Jesus from the Gospel of Truth:

This is how the Word of the Father goes out in the All.
as the fruit of his heart and the expression of his will.
It carries the All, it prefers it
and it also receives the traits of the All.
It cleanses it and brings it back to the Father
and to the Mother:
Jesus, of infinite sweetness!

Whoever wants to become part of this once again sanctified cosmos must also cleanse himself, ‘sanctify’. Or even more correct: who sanctifies himself, sanctifies the entire cosmos. And remember that the word “holy” is related to the word “whole.” So “sanctifying oneself” means: to make oneself whole, to make one, and therefore also: to unite body and soul, and to become creatively a partaker of the Source again.

The Gnostic Philip (108) puts it this way:

The holy man is completely holy, including his body. After all, when he has received the bread, he makes it holy. Likewise, he cleanses the chalice and everything else that he has received. Why then should he not cleanse the body?

So man has appeared from the light, says this logion. And that light revealed itself in their image. Exactly, the whole person, the whole person, and every person, is an image of the Source. Whoever restores the unity within himself is for himself the revelation of the Source, therefore one with the One, and therefore also knows the One. Whoever knows himself, in his original unique individuality, knows the All.

And in himself the person will be able to experience that he is a movement and a rest. He is a rest with his timeless Christ nature, the Source in himself. He is a movement with his personal time-placed human nature. (See also the explanation of the prologue about the twins.)

And just like Source, man himself is the permanent creator of his own world, the movement. But there is also “a place of rest” in people. The gospel of Truth says about this:

Everyone will talk about where he came from and he will hurry to return there. He received his true nature from that. From that place you can derive your true nature again, by tasting from that place and receiving food and growth from it.

And his own place of rest is his Fullness.

All emanations of the Father are therefore a Fullness and all his emanations have their root in him that made them all grow in themselves. He has given them their destiny. That is why they have each been revealed individually, so that they may know Him through their own being.


75 The loners and the bridal room


Jesus said:
Many are at the door,
but it’s the loners
who will enter the bridal room.

This logion is an addition to the previous one, about “the many” who, although standing around the Source, keep their distance. This logion emphasizes ‘the loners’.

We have already seen that the word singling is an almost literal translation of the Latin word individuum, of in = not, and dividere = divide. An individual is therefore not shared, a whole person, a loner.

Not “the many” will enter the bridal room and connect with the Source there, only the whole people, the heals, the loners, the person as an individual. A whole person is originally the meaning of a holy person, a saint. In English we see that in the relationship between “whole” and “holy”. A “saint” is a whole person. Your individuality is your holiness.

Very special and characteristic of the Thomas Gospel is that you must first be a loner before you can enter the bridal room. You must first become an individual, a whole person, before you can coincide with the Source.

Here an important distinction is made with some other spiritual traditions that are strongly focused on selflessness. Egoism plays no role in gnostics. It is not even there as a concept.

For two reasons, Gnostics emphasizes the realization of your personal individuality.

With your true self you are part of the Source, you are a participant in what is, you exist.

Moreover, the realization of this in the practice of life is everyone’s personal destiny, which you fulfill by growing with your individual talents.

There is a beautiful Jewish anecdote about this. He is about Moos who dies and comes to God to be admitted to heaven.

God asks him curiously: “What have you done during your life on earth?”

Moos replies: “Lord, I have studied all sacred texts and done exactly what it says that one must do.”

“Really?” Says God, and his face is somewhat clouded. ‘That was all?’

“Oh no,” says Moos, “I’ve been at the feet of the most important rabbis, and if I couldn’t find what I needed to do in the scriptures, I asked them. I have always done exactly what they ordered me to do. “

Moos looks up proudly at God, expecting to get a prominent place in heaven, very close to God.

But God doesn’t look happy at all.

“You know,” he says thoughtfully to Moos, “I have thought for centuries about the person you were supposed to become and who would be needed at the place and time where you would be born. I have given you an inner knowing of your personal destiny. I have provided you with rich talents to realize that destination. I have filled your heart with a desire to do what you were meant to do. And you have not listened to your heart? You didn’t become Moos? What a shame that you missed your destination. “

And God adds, after being silent for a while: “You know, I am Love, and I cannot help but allow you to enter heaven, for I too must follow my destiny as God. Everyone is always welcome here. That you are welcome is heaven. So there is the gate of heaven. But sometimes, when we look at each other, you will see the regret in my eyes that you have not become the way I intended. And the pain in your heart that you will feel is perhaps what you people call hell. “

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